Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January Blood Drive at Work

I know this has nothing to do with food, but I wanted to mention the blood drive we're having at my work.  Donating blood is a quick, easy thing you can do to help others where the results are immediate and directly save lives.  One of my least favorite misconception that I've heard about vegans/veganism is that by helping animals you can't help people too.  I can choose not to eat meat, but at the same time I can choose to tutor children, or work with the elderly, or donate to a humanitarian charity.  So here's a way where, no matter what you choose to eat, you can help others.  Each donation (about a pint) can save three lives and most people will at some point in their lives know someone who has needed a blood transfusion at some point in their lives.  You may help a premature baby, accident or surgery survivor, or someone who needs to receive transfusions throughout their life due to a genetic condition.

You get a free iron test, mini physical, and your blood is screened for various things.  Also I will be making vegan puppy chow and trail mix (and the red cross provides such vegan treats as juice, oreos, pretzels, nutter butters, ect), so there's delicious reasons to attend as well.  If you can't make it to this drive, there are plenty of others listed on the red cross's website so please consider going.

Sunrise Assisted Living of Lincoln Park - January 30, 2011 Schedule

Interesting Blood Donation Facts

Also I wanted to share this poem that was in the last red cross enewsletter.  I thought it was really touching.

The Gift of Life

By: Christi Mead Nielsen
Someone saved my life today.
I don't know who they are or even know their name.
I don't know if they are male or female or the color of their eyes or skin or hair.
I don't know how they make their living or what they dream of doing when they go out to play.
I don't know if they believe in God or just the kindness of strangers.
I don't know what made them open that door and leave a part of themselves inside.
I do know their priceless gift was the difference between life and death.
My life. My death.
Without their gift my husband would be without his wife, my son without his mother.
People I love would mourn a sister, a daughter, a friend.
Without their gift my dreams would have died unrealized, unshared, unexplored.
But someone saved my life today with a sacrificial gift of blood.
My family lives together whole.
I live a life of dreams I now make real.
Someone saved my life today.
I don't know who or where or why.
Whoever you are I would just like to say
Thank you.

About the Author

Christi Mead Nielsen
Christi suffered from serious heart problems for the past 12 years and consumed many blood products during her battle. Christi unfortunately passed away a few weeks ago and her husband found this poem she wrote thanking blood donors for saving her life.

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