This is a recipe I came up with for lunch the other day. I'm really not good with measuring, so I eyeballed what seemed right proportion wise.
In a pot, I prepared about a cup of quinoa, which is a seed that not many people have heard of. Its great for Vegans because of its high protein and iron content.
While this was cooking, I put a little olive oil in a frying pan, enough to coat the bottom. I added some diced red and white onions, maybe about 1/4 cup, and let these cook a little longer to soften them(3min).
I cut the corn off an ear and added that, so about 1/2 cup.
Then, one can add either peas or black beans, depending on the style wanted. Both are pretty good, and both have a fair amount of protein. Or one can do both.
I added as well as quite a few chunks of Quorn*, which is a delicious chicken substitute. It is also high in protein, and comes from a mushroom. Its one of the rare things that's soy and gluten free in the vegetarian world. I use the pre-cubed kind.
Basically, everything in the frying pan just needs to be heated up and browned a bit. Add salt, and a little chili powder was also pretty good in there too. Keep it warm, but don't let it burn. When the Quinoa is done, add it to the frying pan, mix it up, and serve.
Protein content:
Quinoa: 9g
Quorn 11g
(Black Beans: 6g)
(Peas: 5g)
everything else: 2g
Total protein: 28g
*Quorn is technically not vegan (they use a small amount of cage-free egg), but because of said soy free and gluten free qualities, I think its important to support it, so that vegetarianism can be brought to a wider audience. (those with soy allergies and celiac's disease especially) I have emailed the company and they said that they are working on finding a different binding agent. Its better than the company not existing and making it harder for some people to not eat meat.
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