Friday, June 4, 2010

Foster Kittens

Quick, fun update:
I get my foster kittens on Monday!
I got permission from my landlady to take in 1 or 2 sets of foster kittens for a few weeks each.

Fostering kittens basically works like this.  When warm weather hits, mother cats start having kittens.  Lots of them.  When they're found and taken to Animal Control, there's so many it overwhelms them.  They call other local shelters.  However, kittens derive a large portion of their immune system from their mother's milk, so if they are not with her, they will be too immunocompromised to be able to stay in the shelters.  So, for the period until they are old enough to receive their shots and be spayed/neutered, they need foster homes to help take care of them.  Shelters will only agree to take as many kittens as the have foster homes for, so after Animal Control fills up, it has no choice but to euthanize some of the kittens.  By taking in two foster kittens, that's two less that will be put down.  Then, once they're old enough, PAWS (the shelter I'm working with), will put them in their adoption center and find homes for them.

I'm really excited to be able to help.  To me being vegan is about doing less harm and more good in the world whenever possible (ahimsa).

Pictures will be posted.  You are warned of the impending adorable-ness.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, ahimsa's just non-violence--well, it's open to interpretation, but seriously Jainism is, like, insanely passive. Sure, go around and preach or stop people from doing harm if you're seriously religious...laypeople just sort of hang out and keep to themselves, though. :/

