Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Three New Vegan Products I'm In Love With

Daiya Vegan Cheese - Best fake cheese I've had yet, except for maybe those fermented cashew cheeses at VeganMania, but I haven't seen them anywhere else.  It was tasty/melty enough to be made (alone) into a grilled cheese sandwich.  I haven't tried the mozzarella yet, but I look forward to turning it into a pizza for my tummy.

So Delicious has a new flavor of coconut milk ice cream - a totally delicious cookies and cream!  Sooo much better than the rice milk version.  In fact there's some in my freezer now (along with some peanut butter chocolate swirl).

The last one is an "accidentally vegan" item (not marketed for vegans, or replacing something usually not vegan), but its amazing.  Its a sweet ginger chili dipping/cooking sauce made by "the ginger people" (I like the name too).  It is amazing with pot stickers (Trader Joe's sells a great vegan brand of pot stickers, they come in a green bag and I love them).  Its a little spicy, but its sweet and tangy and delectable.  I've only seen it in Whole Foods, but I haven't really tried looking anywhere else. 

Now back to the Spanish translations I'm working on...


  1. Daiya seconded soooooo hard. Guys, it's like one of those aged nutty cheeses, except without the legions of guilt and strange bacteria.

  2. Dude, maybe I should go to the nearest Trader Joe's and get pot stickers so that you can taste the amazing that is the ginger dipping sauce.

  3. Daiya cheese is AMAZING! I mix the mozarella and cheddar together and make enchiladas. And So Delicious coconut milk ice cream in a cookies and cream flavor is awesome! They just keep coming out with these incredible flavors. Who needs dairy? Blech!

  4. Wow, that seems like a really good idea. I haven't had enchiladas in ages. I might try to make something with the daiya stuff now. Cookies and cream is great; my favorite is the cookie dough.
